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Level 1

This course is focused on learning Samba from the ground up. You will learn the technique for the Samba basic step including the foundation footwork and hip movements. We also work on arm placement, body movement and some simple parading and steps. We teach and break down the timing, rhythm and basic movements in detail in order to ensure that everyone in the class learns at a comfortable pace and with an understanding of the Samba vibe.

This course is suitable for absolute beginners (no dance experience required) or beginner level Samba students who want to refresh their basic skills.



Level 2

Our level 2 Samba Improvers course is the next step up from Samba Beginners. The course is focused on improving your Samba basic skills and expanding your range of body movement. We build on the Samba foundation focusing on Sapateado technique, hip isolations, basic travel, simple caminhadas (walks) and transition steps. The course also incorporate elements of classic dance technique to help you to transition through steps smoothly, working on weight placement and control of your movements.


This course is ideal for Samba Beginners who want to progress to the next level or anyone who has a basic knowledge of Samba and wants to brush up on their skills.



Level 3 -4

Our level 3-4 Samba Intermediate/Advanced course is the next level up from Improvers. In this course we work on the rotation technique, build on Samba travel variations and expand your range of body movement, hips, arm placement and footwork transitions. We also focus on building Samba speed and fitness using various drills and exercises and work on incorporating more “gingado” (vibe / swing) in your Samba so that you can dance Samba with more feeling and ease.



Open Level

Samba Drills and Performance Training is designed for Improver to Intermediate/Advanced dancers who want to who want to work on their performance technique and stamina in their Samba.  We’ll refine the details and focus on the ways to improve your performance style, your freestyle as well as building on your samba fitness. Throughout this course we will also incorporate different styles of Brazilian Dance within the term to help with your versatility as a dancer and to complement your Samba.

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